Friday, November 20, 2015

America Restricted

America Restricted

            Gun Control America’s latest hot topic of controversy. My name is Austin I am a college student and it is my opinion that people’s main problem with assessing gun control is that they don't look at both sides, and that they fail to realize what gun control really represents to Americans or at least myself which is Freedom. So today I am going to be doing just that, I will be going to analyze both sides of gun control giving a detailed break down before I conclude with my own opinion on why I am against gun control.

The Fight Against Guns

              Author Baldr Odinson writes in his article "School Lockdown Drills Are This Generation’s "Duck And Cover"" about how his children and schools are impacted from gun violence that has resulted in an increased number of lockdown drills and has led schools to start to train students how to defend against gunman. He makes some crucial points in regard to the psychological impact gun violence has on children at schools Odinson says "The last time my daughter's school had a lockdown drill, she was in an after-school activity with a mixed-age class of kids, mostly younger than her.  Many of them were confused and started to cry, traumatized by the image in their mind of an armed lunatic coming toward their room."
              Odinson continues to discuss the impact of school shootings throughout his article and at one point points out that since 2013 around 150 school shooting occurred. In addition he mentions that according to a study by The Trace over the course of two weeks 100 lockdowns took place. Near the end of his article he discusses his solution for gun control would be to reinstate the ban on assault weapons and have people paying more attention to stopping shooters rather than waiting for incidents to happen.

And The Fight For Guns

          Author David Kopel's article "Would You Be Safer If Guns are Banned" features analysis of how effective banning guns would be in the United States, as well as talking about effective uses of guns and the importance of them. Kopel discuss that while New York and Washington D.C. have extremely limited guns laws that almost prevent the citizens there from having guns. Even with these laws Kopel says "Washington D.C. is the "murder capital of the United States" supporting the idea that gun control is not the answer. Kopel discuss how guns are often used effectively for self defense talking about how disarming americans would not work because there around 80 million gun owners already and would provide criminals an opportunity to attack Americans. Kopel says " Given a choice between obeying the law and being able to continue to defend our homes, our families, and our lives -- millions of Americans will gladly break the law."  and in addition mentions that during the Rodney King riots when police abandon people people had nothing but guns to defend themselves. One part of his article stands out over everything though and it is very important in my opinion. Kopel says "America was born as an armed society. Guns are an integral part of our traditions and remain essential for the preservation of our safety and our liberty."

Why I Am Against Gun Control

The reason I am against gun control is because it is our right to bear arms according to the second amendment in the constitution. While Odinson does make some good points in regard to the impact that gun violence has led to in relation to the increased school lockdown drills. In my opinion the benefits of having guns out way the downsides and the fact that even residents of Oregon where a recent shooting took place according to Marisa Gerber's article "Oregon sheriff wrote 'Gun control is NOT the answer,' and residents agree" still want to have the right to own guns. Whether gun violence continues or stops I think that the American people and myself will always want to have the right to bear arms. Cause in reality I think it is more than the idea of having a weapon. In my opinion it is what separates America from the rest of the world we are the country that most people around the world most likely associates with a country that citizens are able to own guns. I think overall it really does go back to Kopel statement about "America was born as an armed society. Guns are an integral part of our traditions and remain essential for the preservation of our safety and our liberty." cause why take something away that had such a big role in the foundation of our country it just doesn't make sense. However this is just my opinion on the matter, I hope you have enjoyed this analysis on gun control.

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