Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pope Francis Attacks Religion

This post includes some of the various changes Pope Francis has done and the  impact of them with the Catholic Church. 
 Pope Francis Attacks Religion

Pope Francis’s address to a joint meeting of Congress, September 24, 2015 - Ron Mader

Working Together 
As children we were taught to share and care for each other and somehow as we grow up many of us have forgotten what the true meaning of what sharing is. Many traditional Catholics are against sharing their religion with people who lead their life style differently than themselves. For many years, society has had a big impact on how people act in public.
Through his efforts to modernize the Church without changing Church teachings, he opens his arms and is accepting of people that the Church has not supported in the past, Pope Francis is nicknamed the "People's Pope." Grace Ji-Sun Kim a writer for TheHuffington Post has inflicted the idea that Pope Francis is promoting a new vision for the Catholic Church.

The world is quickly changing. To those people who are terrified of change, fear not this is a good thing. Although we may not see the change right away, there is more acceptance out in the world of everyone's sexuality.

Ignorance is not bliss.

To add to the changing world we live in, we have a serious problem creeping up on us named Global Warming. If I were to tell you a couple of years ago how the world is now, you would be shocked. How could we be so reckless to let our Earth start to slowly wither away? Many believe that global warming is made up by scientist. I have to ask myself the question- do those people not feel that the fall and winter seasons are getting warmer than usual. The destruction we have caused in our world are starting or are in the process in happening. There is no turning back now the past is the past, but we can change the future.

The Change  
A few weeks ago Pope Francis met with the UN and Congress to talk about global climate change and our necessity to adjust our lifestyles to a more Eco-friendly one.

We've been warned!

It is our world, we should take care of it. Pope Francis' encyclical letter "Laudato Si" gets the word out that people need to get involved in helping the earth we are intoxicating. 

Pope Francis Releases First Encyclical, Addresses Climate Change

Judgement is left for God, Pope Francis' responds "Who am I to judge?" to people that ask his view on homosexuals. I stress the need to mention that he is not changing the Church’s teachings, but approaching the world in a different angle. He is accepting and believes that everyone is God's child and should have a rightful place in the Church. This shows many that he is the true role-model as the leader of the Church.

 A Different Approach To The World
Acceptance in society is what everyone looks for in their lives. I believe everyone is free to live their lives as they please. Although Pope Francis is not changing Church doctrine, he is able to change the viewpoints of many people all around the world. Many traditional Catholics and politicians disapprove his way of teaching.

I believe the job of the Pope is not only to practice what the Bible teaches but also because he has so much power to influence a large group of people. He just in encouraging the world to love one another, as well as work together to resolve world problems.

As an environmentalist, I see the damaging effects that humanity has cause in the world and the outcome which is named Global Warming. I always try to find Eco-friendly ways to live my life. I see him as the perfect Pope for the 21st century. Although he doesn’t changes the teachings of the Church, he is making a great difference and the world is in much need of his help.

2014 Pastoral Visit of Pope Francis - Jeon Han

Sylvia Patterson is a student at Northern Virginia Community College majoring in International Studies. Traveling and meeting new people interests her and someday she hopes she can work with people from different countries. Her found interests include photography, literature, traveling, hiking and camping as well as enjoying time with friends and family.


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