Sunday, November 15, 2015

Banning Guns Does Not Save American Lives

“This post explores the issue of gun violence and how banning guns from the American people will not result in saving lives. In fact, banning guns could result in more American lives lost”

How often do criminals buy guns from a gun store? The answer is quite simple, they cannot, since they could never legally buy or own a gun with a criminal record or mental disorder. Even though it is illegal to have a firearm, it does not stop criminals from obtaining one. Not just guns, but for all illegal items there is always a market that can provide illegal products. Pro gun control activist believe guns kill people and that taking away guns from everyone is the solution to our problem. This may seem logical in way, but is not the solution to our problem.

Pro gun control activists are not solving any problems by taking away guns from law-abiding citizens. Banning guns from the law abiding will result with only certain government employees and criminals armed. Thus leaving us defenseless against armed criminals and also completely powerless and allowing the government have complete control if they wanted too. We have seen that most tragic mass shootings are happening in gun free zones.   REPORT: 92 PERCENT OF MASS SHOOTINGS SINCE 2009 OCCURRED IN GUN-FREE ZONES

Banning guns from the law-abiding citizens would result of the whole country as gun free zone and leaving us vulnerable to armed criminals and terrorist. Potentially resulting of more American lives lost. Although of course we have local police, always on the streets enforcing law and order, but can they even be trusted today? We could assume criminals actually plan accordingly to avoid the police when committing crimes knowing that police officers can only be in one place at a time. Time does not wait for the police to arrive and life or death situations can occur in seconds and if we don’t carry our own firearm many lives can be at risk.

American citizens can also police our neighborhoods in case a situation is to ever occur. We would be naïve to think our lives would never be in danger in our lifetime.

Dabney Bailey

Mass shootings our planned to surprise and if we are not prepared we could become the next victim. It’s not a surprise most mass shootings have occurred in gun free zones. What are we doing to stop this? The answer is not simple, but the banning of guns is defiantly not the solution. There are countless stories of good Samaritans taking action to prevent criminal acts or tragedies. 

Although some law-abiding citizen may take it too far as expressing there right to bear arms by walking the streets with semi automatic rifle.
Our American cultural may have forgotten our right to bear arms that allows citizens in some states to open carry and end up looking like a criminal with a gun. It is a very effective way of discouraging criminals or terrorist of committing crimes, but also cause fear to other American citizens. Allowing conceal carry and open carry can result in less American lives lost.

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” (Jack Sparrow) Our problem is not our right of owning guns, but it is what causes humans want to cause terror or threat other people lives in our society. Finding the root of our problem is much more difficult to analyze then jumping onto the band wagon of banning guns.

Fabian Reynoso is a student at Northern Virginia Community College, who writes about topics of his interests.

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