Sunday, November 15, 2015

Syria Refugees:What Will Happen to Them and Their Country

Through this blog we'll find out whats being done to the refugees from Syrian and all he people in the eastern side. Even though you might think is effecting Syrian only, well you're wrong. 

Whats being done for the refugees from Syrian these days?

photo by Orlando Crowcroft

"I'm just a number in another world…Different completely from the world that i came from."- Hasan

Whats going on? 

Refugees have got to their limits. They cant take living in their country where its gotten so bad that people have died. Buildings have been bombed down and streets have been destroyed. People around the world had no clue about the war in Syria. Its crazy to imagine whats being down across the world. Knowing we live in the same world but different country and aren't experiencing whats being done in Syria and Iraq. Its gets people sad knowing families have to wake up knowing they're running away from home to a new and better life then what they had in Syria. People around the world found out about the tragedy in Syrian when a picture of little kids lifeless bodies being washed up to shore went viral. Thats when everyone decided to help out in some sort of way. Donation wed sites were made people volunteered to go and help the people out. The refugees have been in camps that are located in countries around Syria. Some refugees see no hope and want to start somewhere new so some refugees tried migrating to Europe but they closed their gates and won't allow any refugees in.

People have started donation websites to help in anything the refugees need. One of the most successful donation website was World Vision. World Vision is one of the many websites made to donate to help Syrian and their cause. The World Vision was created by Jon Warren who mainly focuses on the children being affected from all of this. Other kids live a normal life where they don't know what its like waking up every day having to fight for your life at age three. While kids don't even know or seen half of the things the refugees kids from Syrian have. World Vision also gathers people that want to volunteer to go to the refugees camp and help out in anything over there. Seeing the volunteers go and help out shows the refugees their not in this lone. Jon Warren lets his donators know some facts on how many refugees have died and fled their country. He's gives them knowledge on why she should donate. Since the beginning of this crisis, World Vision has helped more than 2 million people in Syrian, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq (Warren).” Warren lets all the donators and also those who want to donate know where their money would be helping in. Its one of the great things about World Vision lettings people know how their helping when they donate. 

Whats being done in Syrian can effect us in so many ways. Just because it may be across the world where we can't see or hear all the sadness doesn't mean it won't get to us. it first effects us as being human beings. We all came to this world the same way. We may all have different religions and believe in different things but that doesn't stop us from being humans. just thinking what if you were in their shoes wouldn't you want peoples help. It brings sadness knowing that we live a normal life everyday. while they live a totally dangerous and horrible life. Where their homes and streets they've know for so long being bombed down. The Civil War thats going on over there can anytime get really bad that the U.S. might have to step in. Which means we would go to war none of us wants that to happen we all wish we lived in a peaceful world. The refugees are no different then any of us if we were in their situation. There are many websites where people talk about the Refugees from Syrian and Iraq. The website that has the most opinion out of all of this is Wikipedia. People go and discuss about the refugees from Syrian. They inform people on whats been going on with them. There might be people that don't agree on the same things that go on the website. 

Wendy Tapia Lopez is a student Majoring in Dental in Northern Community College.  

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