Friday, May 8, 2015

Drinking and Advertisement? Alcohol’s Losing Battle

Drinking and Advertisement?  Alcohol’s Losing Battle.

Over the course 14 weeks, Professor Ravy assigned class 533N continuous assignments to progressively seek our final research assignment.  Each assignment held foresight to the next and held crucial information to the overall goal.  Throughout the duration of this semester, I took part of numerous hours of research to decide which issue I thought would be most applicable to our generation.  The topic of distracted driving and drinking and driving occurred numerous times conducting this research and seemed like a generally concerning talking point.  Through careful consideration, I went with Drinking and Driving.  But, I combined advertisings strategic role of drinking and driving’s everlasting fatality rate.  The paper also included a counter advertisement prospective on this issue (See include photo).  The final paper included numerous sources (A Developmental Perspective on Alcohol and Youths 16 to 20 Years of Age; Turning 21 and the Associated Changes in Drinking and Driving After Drinking Among College Students; Queensland Government: "EVERY DRINK COUNTS") that correlated supporting information.  Though, at first glance, advertisements role towards youth seems directly obvious. But through further research, I came to find advertisement role towards drinking and drinking has a far greater and systematical impact than previously.  I digress, I wish all that want to find out any more information on this matter to seek my paper on advertisements role on alcohol.  I think you all will get some helpful, and possibly, eye opening data.

By: Kevin Goldammer

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