Thursday, May 7, 2015

Vaccine. YES or NO?

The administration of vaccines is called vaccination. The effectiveness of vaccination has been widely studied and verified. Vaccine presents modern medication, and is the most effective way to treat specific diseases, such as hepatitis B, measles, flu etc. However, The outbreak of measles that started at California's Disneyland last month and spread to 10 other states in early of this year. Why is this happened?

"Anti-vaccineParents Boost Measles Come Back: Our View" was my first research resource. This article was published on 27 Jan, 2015 written by The Editorial Board from the USA Today website. Author talked about the consequences about the anti-vaccine, and some parents refused to have the vaccination for their children.  In this article, we could see the author used many discourses to successfully assert that parents are responsible for their children’s vaccination, and believed that vaccine could save many lives and not put any innocent people in a risk.

There is another story about a young mother Megan who used to be in the anti-vaccine movement, but she finally found that she was wrong. Megan found out the benefit about the vaccine, than made up her mind and took her two daughters to have vaccine. This article which written by Megan Sandlin was published by the Voices For Vaccines on 15 Apr 2015. The name of this article is "Leaving the Anti-Vaccine Movement - Voices ForVaccines."

Anti-vaccine is also support by some health care providers. In the article "He Preaches against Vaccines,Calls Measles 'benign' –” which was about Kyung Lah interview a doctor who refuse to give his children the vaccine because it could cause their children have inflection by vaccinate. Dr. Wolfson announced the disease are natural, and it will happen to everyone; but the vaccine is not, it is the chemical medicine that they “suggest” to put into the children’s “pure” body.  I also found this irrefutable evidence in another article, “"Anti-Vaccine Activists Apparently Immune To Science.", which was published on 12 Sept, 2011.  Author Sally Pipes used the research from Dr. Wakefield who claimed about that the vaccines are not 100% safety, they still have side effects if they are inappropriate to the patients.

We understand the all medicines have side effects. However, vaccines are among the safest and the benefits of vaccinations far outweigh the risk of side effects. Therefore, we have to balance the risks and benefits that vaccinations could have. Before you or your family to have a vaccination, you might want to do some research from online first, and then decide whether the vaccine is fit for yourself and them. Also you have to remember asking the professional person if you have medical allergic and family medical history.

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