Thursday, May 7, 2015

Truth Bea Told: Higher Purpose

When you see the American flag, what are lead to believe?  You are lead to believe “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  The thing you didn’t think about are the colonials coming over to the Native Americans, slaughtering them and robbing them of their lands.  You think about celebrities singing “Proud to be an American”, apple pie, baseball, and all other positive things you see on TV.  When you see marijuana, you think of criminals, unproductive citizens, unhealthy eaters, and bums looked at as cool.  And why is that?  Because that’s what “the Man”, a.k.a the government, wants you to see.  You don’t see stories of marijuana help easing the symptoms of people with M.S. and seizures.  You don’t see stories of marijuana helping H.I.V. victims managing their weight and cancer patient’s cancer cells being killed by cannabis.  But all of that’s changing because Americans are waking up.  They are taking control of their minds and seeing things for themselves.
The Union: The Business Of Getting High

Marijuana in the 1800’s and early 1900’s is what America is trying to get back to.  It was legal and it was a cash crop with many uses.  According the “The Union: The Business of Getting High” documentary,  hemp was used to make the strongest rope fibers, the clothes last longer than cotton, and it is easier and faster to grow which make it better for the growing industrious time America was becoming. In those days, America was socially divided mainly because of racism.  It was not until 1937 when it was banned.  The government used media to shape the public’s view by invoking fear in the white population.  Movies like “Reefer Madness” were a very pervasive exaggeration of the effects of marijuana.  The negative propaganda of the weed depicted it as “evil” and showed it as a method that was used by African American jazz musicians to corrupt innocent, God fearing, virtuous white women to lore them into immorality.  The public at the time accepted that as truth and believed it would make the white population vile like African Americans.  The government used propaganda not only invoked fear but perpetuated discrimination against African Americans.
It kills me how smoking marijuana is discouraged by the very people we are supposed to look up to, our public figures, but they are the main people smoking it or had smoked it.  “I didn’t inhale”, said by our falaciao loving President Bill Clinton.  Truth be told, if you think about it, some of the things that comes out of these people’s mouths does sound like “high thoughts.”

Experience is the best testimonial and marijuana is changing peoples’ lives for the better.  Now the public is coming out with it.  The truth about marijuana is coming out.  The people are taking control of their minds and starting to think for themselves.  The government has lied about so many things in order to push mass manipulated thoughts upon us.  And they want us to be afraid of a plant that has never killed anyone in its natural state, EVER?!  Come on?  You gotta come with something better that that “Man”. 

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